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PREVENT is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. Its aim is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent addresses all forms of terrorism but continues to prioritise according to the threat they pose to the country’s national security. Prevent involves the identification and referral of those susceptible to violent extremism into appropriate interventions. These interventions aim to divert the susceptible and vulnerable from embarking down the path to radicalisation.

Radicalisation refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism, there is no single way of identifying an individual who is likely to be susceptible to an extremist ideology. From July 2015 all schools are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act of 2015, to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’, known as the ‘Prevent Duty’.

Eden is committed to providing a secure environment for pupils, where all children both feel and are kept safe. All adults working in schools have to recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, irrespective of the role they undertake or whether they have direct contact with or responsibility for children & young people.

The full Government Prevent Strategy can be viewed at: strategy-review.pdf

There is no place for extremist views of any kind in Eden , whether from internal sources – pupils, staff, governors or external sources – school community, external agencies or individuals. Pupils need to see Eden as a safe place where they can explore controversial issues openly and where teachers encourage and facilitate this. We have a duty to ensure this happens.

As part of safeguarding responsibilities school staff are alert to:

  • Pupils disclosing their exposure to extremist actions, materials or the views of others outside of school, such as in their homes or community groups, especially where pupils have not actively sought these out;
  • Graffiti symbols, writing or art work promoting extremist messages or images;
  • Pupils accessing extremist material online, including through social networking sites
  • Parental reports of changes in behaviour, friendships or actions and requests for assistance;
  • Partner schools, local authority services, and police reports of issues affecting pupils in other schools or settings;
  • Pupils voicing opinions drawn from extremist ideologies and narratives;
  • Use of extremist or ‘hate’ terms to exclude others or incite violence;
  • Intolerance of difference, whether secular or religious or (in line with our equalities policy) views based on, but not exclusive to, gender, disability, homophobia, race, colour or culture;
  • Attempts to impose extremist views or practices on others;
  • Anti-British views.

Teaching Approaches

All staff at Eden strive to eradicate the myths and assumptions that can lead to some young people becoming alienated and disempowered, especially in situations where children may find it harder to challenge or question radical influences. This will be achieved by good teaching, including PSHE.

These teaching approaches will help pupils build resilience to extremism and give them a positive sense of identity through the development of critical thinking skills. It is important to ensure that all staff are equipped to recognize extremism and are skilled and confident enough to challenge it.

School is flexible enough to adapt their teaching approaches, as appropriate, to address specific issues, enabling them to become more relevant to current issues of extremism and radicalisation.

Use of External Agencies and Speakers

Eden School encourages the use of external agencies and speakers to enrich the experiences of their pupils.

We recently had a visit from ex right wing member, he spoke to the children about the warning signs of grooming and where to access information and support.

At Eden we follow any locally agreed procedure as set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board, including criteria for safeguarding individuals vulnerable to extremism and radicalisation. In the event of concerns about a person at risk of becoming radicalised, contact will be made with Lancashire Constabulary’s Prevent Team to consider whether it is appropriate to refer the individuals to the Channel process. Channel is a bespoke multi-agency approach which uses early intervention to protect and divert people away from the risks they face. Referrals can be made by anyone who has concerns. The Channel Panel is chaired by the local authority and meets at regular intervals to discuss referrals on individuals who have been identified as being at risk of radicalisation but have not committed any terrorism offence. For further details visit:


Link to LSCB procedures:

“Eden is a life-transforming school where we provide the best education for young people who have complex social, emotional and mental health needs.”

Jen Ashworth, Headteacher